Walk Right Podiatry

Welcome to Walk Right Podiatry. We're a specialist private podiatry practice based in Rochdale, Greater Manchester and we're passionate about improving the quality of life for all of our patients.

Tibetan Buddhist Monk visits Walk Right Podiatry

We recently had the privilege of treating Geshe Lama Ahbay Tulku Rinpoche, a Tibetan Buddhist Monk who was visiting the UK before travelling on to the US to give teachings and blessings and to raise funds to help feed and teach the young monks in his monastery.


Ahbay Rinpoche is third in line to his holiness the Dalai Lama and was nine years old he was fully initiated into monkhood. He told us that much of his time was spent barefoot so the health of feet was very important to him.


He enjoyed a Podiatry treatment and also Reflexology which he said had been very relaxing during his busy schedule. He was also kind enough to give ourselves and the clinic a lovely blessing before he left!

Louisa's London Marathon For Melanoma UK

At Walk Right Podiatry we are privileged to see a wide range of people of all ages and abilities, some of our patients really push themselves to the limit with fitness which can put a lot of pressure on the feet. One of our brilliant patients this month is Louisa who completed the London Marathon in April this year!

The London Marathon was first held in 1981 and has been held every year since; it is part of the ‘World Marathon Majors’ and a gruelling 26.2 miles long.


Building a solid training base is key for attempting to complete a Marathon which Louisa did, increasing her mileage and endurance over the weeks and months leading up to the marathon.

We were able to help with footwear advice, callus reduction and most importantly blister prevention advice which is so crucial when running such a long distance.

Thanks Walk Right for helping me with my feet I’m so pleased to have completed the London Marathon which is something i’ve wanted to do for years, now i’ve completed it I just want to do it again!
— Louisa

As well as managing to reach her goal Louise also raised an amazing £2,000 for Melanoma UK. Well done Lousia for setting your goal and achieving your dream of completing the London Marathon!

Helping Sharon With Her Charity Trek Across Cambodia

This month we are highlighting one of our brilliant patients who recently completed the ambition of a lifetime - to trek across the beautiful northwestern Cambodia raising money for local charity Springhill Hospice in Rochdale.

Sharon attends our podiatry clinic every month for routine Podiatry treatment and when she started planning her trip she increased her walking distances for training. At around the 2-3 mile mark she started to experience Achilles Tendonitis pain in the Right Foot.

The Achilles Tendon is the largest, thickest and strongest tendon in the body, it spans two joints and connects the calcaneus to the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. Inflammation can be caused by overuse or repetitive forces. It was at this point that she attended our clinic for a Biomechanical Assessment in order to assess her gait.


“I had decided that I wanted to complete my ambition of the trek in Siem Reap in Cambodia and to raise money for Springhill Hospice in Rochdale.

Siem Reap, Cambodia (lonelyplanet.com)

Siem Reap, Cambodia (lonelyplanet.com)

As I started to carry out my training walks I discovered that my right Achilles was becoming very painful, I was struggling to get beyond 2-3 miles before the pain started. I booked in for a Biomechanics Assessment and it was really interesting to see my style of walking on the screen, it was determined that I required a pair of orthotics to improve my gait and solve the underlying issue.

I was thrilled to be able to carry out my trek which consisted 87km over 5 days with no pain at all. So much so that when I came back I upgraded to the bespoke Carbon Fibre Orthotics. I have no pain now and am very happy, I am looking to do another trek possibly in Jordan!”

Well done Sharon! We are so pleased that you completed your ambition and helped raise money for charity in the process.

Foot Health Month - 10 Top Tips

June is Foot Health Month, so here are 10 Top Tips to help prevent foot problems. Just follow our simple steps to help to keep your feet in great shape and reduce your risk of developing problems. 

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1. Wash your feet every day, use warm soapy water and take care to dry them well, especially between your toes – this will help to prevent fungal infections, such as Athlete’s foot. 

2. Wear well-fitting socks and change them every day to avoid sweaty feet. 

3. When trimming your toenails cut them straight across and not too short as this can lead to ingrowing toenails. 

4.  If the skin on your feet is dry, apply moisturiser daily avoiding between the toes (this can lead to fungal infections). 

5. Wear correctly fitting shoes, buy footwear in the afternoon when your feet are at their largest. Get your feet measured if you are unsure of your size. 

6. Rotate your shoes Try not to wear the same shoes two days in a row, to reduce your chances of developing a fungal infection. 

7. Save higher heels for special occasions only as regular use can damage your feet. 

8. Check your feet regularly this will help you to spot any possible problems quickly, if you have difficulty bending use a mirror to help.

9. Keep them moving, walking and exercise will encourage a good range of movement in the joints and improve circulation.

10. If you have a problem with your feet always see a HCPC registered Podiatrist rather than trying to self treat at home.